“Core” Values

CSG is committed to winning, today and over the long term. In order to do that, our culture demands ethical decision-making, a tenacious focus on the success of our customers and our CSG teammates, and that we never become complacent.  We value each person and relationship and believe in fair treatment and equal opportunity for all.  We believe that our CSG teammates are more akin to family than employees.  Our team members can expect meaningful work, broad autonomy, and fair compensation.  We believe that we win only when our customers win.  We will only hire high-performing individuals; with proven technical ability, constructive interpersonal skills, and exceptional work ethic.  We value experience but are not cognitively imprisoned by “the way we’ve always done it,” knowing that sometimes you have to Get Real to Get Better.  Ultimately, our culture and relationships are forged on trust, a trust that is earned every day through honesty, commitment, and high-caliber outcomes.

Our History

Core Services Group, Inc. was founded in 2011 by a Naval Aviator to meet an urgent operational need for technical and analytical support to a front-line electronic countermeasures system.  From that time forward, our focus has been “supporting the warfighters” by bridging the seam between the technical and the tactical, connecting the engineer to the operator.  Born during the sequestration era, our company was created with a new agile business model designed to deliver outcomes, not activity.  Core Services Group’s corporate structure, staffing practices, teaming principles, technical and analytical processes, quality management system, and contract management procedures are finely tuned to maximize effective support and deliver the highest quality, best value service to our customers.  We combine Naval and Joint operational expertise with the rigorous systems engineering methodologies of the Naval Aviation, Nuclear Power, and Operational Test and Evaluation communities to solve our customers’ most complex challenges.  With our handpicked senior management staff that has operated and led at all military Echelons from I to V, we help DoD and industry partners achieve their highest organizational vision and deliver high-consequence outcomes in support of our nation’s warfighters.

Trans Alps Adventure
Our Leadership Team

Grant Mager


Tom Eberhard

Chief Operating Officer

Scott Guimond

Director of Warfighting Development

Brian Donegan

Director of Business Development

Contact Us

We’d like to hear from you!


Core Services Group, Inc.
One Columbus Center, Suite 600,
Virginia Beach, VA  23462


Business Development: BD@coreinc.biz

Human Resources: HR@coreinc.biz

Phone: 757.559.1455

© Core Service Group.  All rights reserved.